Your Friend Are There For More Than Just Helping You Move House....
They Play A Big Role In keeping You Happy And Healthy
7 Ways To Keep Your Friends.....
1.Schedule a set time, the last Friday of the month or whatever works for everyone, to get together..
2.Make it an easy thing to get to and keep it going, even if not everyone can make it. People will question its value if it's too complicated.
3.Don't combine business with chilling out-get together with friends who are just the people you like being around, not those whom you see as a path to advancement.
4.Talk. No matter how new or old your friendship are, they can always hold surprises that uncovered through talking.
5.Develop share passions, like sport, camping or traveling. Shared passions aren't something to be embarrassed about: they feed relationships and your internal well being.
6.Don't feel you have to "compensate" your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend. When you have good friendship, everybody wins-you and your partner.
7.If you have a shed or some equivalent - use it as your special place for chilling out with friends.
**Friends Are Like Walls, Sometimes You Lean On Them, Sometimes It Just Enough To Know They're There**
Pengawa saritu
Pagi tu mansang ngambi ubat. Tengah hari betemu tuan doktor ba unit ENT.
9 years ago
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