Guilt is a heavy load to carry, not only emotionally but also physically. It may be well earned or just a lifelong accumulation of “should haves”. Whatever the source, it’s an invisible stressor that won’t lose its grip on you until you give up your hold on it.
Begin by determining where your guilt comes from. Is what you’re hearing the truth? Is there something you should do, fess up to, and make up for? If so, take care of it. If your guilt is based on unfounded words of condemnation placed on you by someone in your past, then relief will come only when you recognize and discard them. GOD’s already promised HIS forgiveness. What’s holding you back from forgiving yourself?
~A Guilt Trip Is No Vacation…~
Let us draw near to GOD….in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience. –Hebrews 10:22
Pengawa saritu
Pagi tu mansang ngambi ubat. Tengah hari betemu tuan doktor ba unit ENT.
9 years ago
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